California DUI Defense
Legal / Criminal Law
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.19 01:36 |
DUI laws are quite complicated nationwide, especially if you are in California. If you are charged with a DUI offense, a good lawyer is especially important to help you in your defense.
Nevada Criminal Records for Resident Research
Legal / Criminal Law
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.19 01:00 |
The State of Nevada is one of the few states that allow the public access to their Nevada criminal records. The Records and Identification Bureau under the Nevada Department of Public Safety is the central repository of Nevada criminal records. The purpose of the state database of Nevada criminal records is to provide centralized, complete, and documented criminal justice information and statistics to the state’s criminal justice community, the public, and many other authorized clients and contributors.
Business Entity Mistakes, Criminal Conduct & Independence
Legal / Criminal Law
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.19 01:37 |
In this age of information, most small business owners understand that they need the protection provided by a corporation or limited liability company. Such protection, however, can be lost through certain actions.
The Morality of Child Labor
Legal / Ethics
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.06 17:48 |
From the comfort of their plush offices and five to six figure salaries, self-appointed NGOs often denounce child labor as their employees rush from one five-star hotel to another, $3000 subnotebooks, and PDAs in hand. The hairsplitting distinction made by the ILO between “child work” and “child labor” conveniently targets impoverished countries while letting its budget contributors – the developed ones – off-the-hook.