Web Copy, How Much is Enough?
Business / Copyright
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.06 14:05 |
These days, there’s widespread acceptance that a website is an integral part of the marketing plan of any business. Likewise, its commonly accepted that web copy is a vital component of any website. But how much web copy is enough?
Signs of a Drowning Company
Business / Small Business
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.08.16 22:35 |
Very few entrepreneurs want to close their business. Sell, yes. Merge, maybe. Shut it down, I doubt it. The reality is that more than 50% of all new companies opened in the U.S. and Canada close within the first three years. That means you need to know when, in fact, it may be best to cut your losses and get out.
What You Really Need to Know About Nanny Tax
Business / Taxes
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.03 00:49 |
If you are considering hiring a nanny to care for your children, then there are a few important considerations about nanny tax which you need to consider. Read on to find out more.
When Do You File a Tax Return?
Business / Taxes
Aplus Legal Advice | 2022.09.03 00:47 |
The first known income tax that Americans were legally required to pay was enacted during the 1860s, and the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln. The Civil War was proving very costly to fund, and the President and Congress created the Commissioner of Revenue and enacted a law requiring citizens to pay income tax.